Folsom Lake Will be Drained to 120,000 Acre-Feet by September

In response to concerns from Sacramento water agencies, the Bureau of Reclamation is easing back drainage rates on Folsom Lake.

The State Water Resources Control Board is set to approve the updated plans, which aim to ease concerns from residents of Folsom, Roseville and other cities that depend on Folsom Lake for their water supply.

“Mindful of that critical water supply need we are intending to put in the specific end of September of quantity of 120,000 acre-feet of water,” said Deputy Director Les Grober.

Grober says fears about the water level came up when regulators tried to strike a balance between protecting fish and minimizing harm to agriculture.

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American River Parkway Alcohol Restriction July 11

​For safety, the Regional Parks Director has issued an alcohol restriction on the American River from Hazel to Watt Avenues in preparation for a non-permitted event – Rafting Gone Wild – July 11, 2015.

In 2012, the Rafting Gone Wild event resulted in multiple arrests, destruction of public and private property, and presented a significant threat to the safety of the public and our community. Based on information obtained from multiple sources, the Department of Regional Parks anticipates similar unsafe circumstances during this year’s event.

As a result of the potential risks to the community including park visitors, rescue personnel and law enforcement, the Director of Regional Parks has issued an alcohol restriction for July 11, 2015.

County Park Rangers, Rancho Cordova Police Department and the Sacramento County Sheriff Department will be stationed at all park locations along the American River Parkway to enforce the alcohol restriction.  Violations of the alcohol restriction will be strictly enforced.

Discovery Park water recovery focuses on 27-year-old woman

A search was called off for a 27-year-old woman who went under the water in the American River near Discovery Park.

The woman went under about 5 p.m. Monday near the confluence of the American and Sacramento rivers.

Divers and rescue boats canvassed the water and several helicopters monitored the waters from above for about 90 minute before the search was called off and the rescue shifted focus to a recovery.

A 36-year-old man was treated for fatigue after attempting to save the woman, firefighters said.

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American River drowning victim recovered in Sacramento River

Authorities have identified a body recovered from the Sacramento River as that of a man who drowned recently in the American River.

The Sacramento Bee reports ( ) the man, in his 20s, is believed to have drowned in the American River near Tiscornia Park on Wednesday. Sacramento Fire Department spokesman Chris Harvey says crews recovered the body Saturday after it was spotted in the Sacramento River. The victim’s name hadn’t been released as of Sunday.

According to fire officials, the victim had tried to swim across the river when he went underwater and didn’t resurface.

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‘Rage On The River’ Makes Busy Day For Emergency Crews

A large fight at the Swabbies bar caused quite a commotion – just one of the many incidents authorities responded to Sunday.

At one point, there were more than a dozen police cars at the scene. Officers say no one was seriously injured. Law enforcement was already out in force along the river for the alcohol-filled “Rage on the River” event that takes places every year.

In more scary moments, two women had to be rescued near Discovery Park.

Sacramento firefighters rushed to the area to perform CPR. While they couldn’t say what led up to the emergency, witnesses say the person fell off a boat.

“Then when she fell off the boat, the policeman just came over there, they took her over here and they were just pumping her heart,” said witness Latina Dawson. “They were just pumping and pumping for like 10 or 15 minutes.”

It happened around 5:30 p.m. – the same time crews had to react to another person who was unresponsive.

Both were taken to the hospital.

“I have kids and grandkids, and I don’t want to see that happen to no one,” said Iris Garner, another witness.

But it’s something emergency responders were prepared for. Rage on the River attracts tens of thousands to the Discovery Park area every year.

And the alcohol was flowing.

“Last year we had the same event. We did over 20 rescues in a two-hour period.  And this year we were very well prepared,” said Roberto Padilla with the Sacramento Fire Department.

With three Sacramento Fire boats out on the water and multiple law enforcement agencies from surrounding areas keeping watch, there was a major effort to prevent drownings.

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California Drought Forces Fish Evacuation

State officials announced some fish hatcheries in California are being evacuated due to the drought.

Water temperatures at the American River hatchery were approaching dangerous levels for the rainbow trout, putting their lives in danger. So, for the second year in a row, they will have to be evacuated.

“We’re going to move about 330,000 steelhead and probably 500,000 trout,” said Jay Rowan.

But a smaller number will be able to stay, thanks to a high-tech indoor facility built with $700,000 in emergency drought funds. It uses purified water chilled by large cooling units.

“These fish will stay in this building for the next eight to nine months where they’ll grow out and then they will be taken out and planted on the east side of the Sierra,” Rowan said.

The hatchery problems will create some short-term benefits for the recreational fishing industry already hit hard by four years of drought.

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Officials warn Folsom Lake could be 96% empty

Sacramento-area water officials warned Wednesday that Folsom Lake could be 96 percent empty by next January under a federal plan to increase water releases.

t’s just bad. It’s just bad,” said Tom Gohring, executive director of the Sacramento Region Water Forum, a coalition of water agencies.

Gohring spoke at a meeting of the State Water Resources Board about a proposal by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation.

Reclamation officials have said they plan to begin releasing more fresh water from Folsom Lake and Lake Oroville in order to push back the saltwater that infiltrates the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta during drought conditions.

“We are having to make a lot of difficult decisions,” said Erin Curtis, a Reclamation spokeswoman. “And releasing extra water from Folsom right now is one of those.”

A historically low snowpack has already left Folsom and several other California reservoirs at below-average levels.

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Boats to be out of slips at Folsom Lake by Monday

The time for slip renters to pull their boats out of the water at Folsom Lake has come earlier than usual, due to the drought.

As of Sunday, the water level was at 413 feet, one foot away from the lowest point at which boats are permitted in the slips. After that level, it becomes dangerous to try to pull boats out.

Over the weekend, Jason Rutherford set out to enjoy the clear sky weather out on the water with his family for the last time this summer.

“We’re going to go out and come in this evening and pull it out this evening and wrap it up for the season in Folsom Lake,” Rutherford said.

And they were just getting started.

The Rutherfords got to use their slip for just one week before they had to take their boat back home.

“We’re two minutes from the lake so it’s great to come out on the evenings when you get off work,” Rutherford said. “It’s a bummer but we have a water issue. What are you going to do?”

On Sunday, the wind was perfect for sailing which made for a good father’s day for the Benjamins.

“It’s my husband’s special day and sailing is his passion,” Laura Benjamin said.

Even when they can’t use their slip they will continue to bring their boat to Folsom Lake, it just won’t be as convenient.

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Bear seen swimming in Folsom Lake

In this heat, everyone could use a nice cold swim to cool off, animals included.

An El Dorado Hills man was on Folsom Lake Saturday morning when he spotted an animal swimming in the water.

It wasn’t a dog. Or a coyote. Or a pig for that matter. Swimming casually in the cold lake water was a bear!

Tony Mygatt said he was sitting in his boat in a little cove and reading his book when he saw something swimming toward him. He grabbed his phone, snapped a photo and then began to film the bear.

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