Army Corps Seeks Feedback On Raising Folsom Dam

Right now, Folsom Lake’s water levels are at historic lows because of a third consecutive dry winter. But federal officials say in the future, when we get way too much rain and snow, the reservoir won’t be able to hold all the water. That’s why the dam needs to be raised by 3.5 feet.

Specifically, the plan calls for raising all of the dykes, the Mormon Island Auxiliary Dam and the right and left wings of the main dam. It’s a long term project and construction wouldn’t start for another two years.

In a separate project, Folsom Dam is getting new flood-control gates designed to release water quicker during a flood. The steel gates were built in Oregon and are scheduled to arrive later this month.

The meeting on the dam raise project will be held Wednesday from 5 to 7 PM at the Folsom Community Center.

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