
Just off of U.S. HWY 50 at Watt Ave, Waterton Access is a small site providing access along the river. The nearby S.A.R.A. Access offers similar opportunity.

How to Get There

From U.S. Highway 50, take the Watt Ave. North exit. Then make an immediate right onto the La Riviera Way off-ramp. From there, make a right down La Riviera Drive, then a left on Waterton Way. Turn in to the parking lot for the access. The S.A.R.A. access is located a few blocks east on Rogue River Drive.

Waterton Access is a small site providing access along the river. Deer, coyotes and jackrabbits can sometimes be seen as they take on their traditional roles of hunter and hunted by the river’s edge. The nearby S.A.R.A. Access offers similar opportunity. The S.A.R.A. property was the first parcel purchased for the American River Parkway, thanks to the fundraising efforts of the Save the American River Association.


  • Although Waterton and S.A.R.A. are small accesses, they provide opportunities
  • The area provides a nice atmosphere for a quiet stroll along a delightful stretch of wooded trail.
  • As with most American River parks, the fishing here is good.

This is a walk-in access, and no entry fees are collected.

At American River Wildlife, we’re all about celebrating the untamed beauty and vibrant ecosystem of the American River and its surrounding parkways.