Questions Surfacing On Lake Clementine Hydro Project

Questions are being raised by several Auburn-area residents about a proposal to build a hydroelectric generation facility at the North Fork Dam at Lake Clementine.

Speakers at a public session Monday on the privately funded project wanted to know about its effect on downstream recreation, potential drops in scenic flows over the dam and other potential impacts.

About 25 people attended the session at theCanyon View Community Center,  and the number of questions spurred the project proponent to schedule a special meeting at 6 p.m. Aug. 26 to provide an overview of the project and address queries.

Monday’s session was a public one but meant to concentrate on comments by government agencies and stakeholder groups about study plans by Los Angeles-based  American Renewables and Kruger Energy of Canada.

Project manager Dan Parker agreed to the question-and-answer session after a request for a separate meeting in the evening to allow Monday’s session with government agencies to move forward on time. The location for the Aug. 26 meeting has yet to be determined.

Answering a question Monday from Helga White of Auburn, Parker said that esthetic flows over and environmental flows to aid wildlife and plant life downstream would take precedent over power-generation flows. The picturesque dam was built in 1939 to hold back mining debris but allow river flows downstream.

The proposed 15-megawatt power-generation facility – designed to produce electricity to serve 3,000 households – is to be operated on a “run-of-the-river” basis. It would take advantage of higher flows in the rainy season and go offline in late July, August and September, when flows along the North Fork American River are low.

“We don’t get our water first,” Parker said. “We get our water last.”

Michael Garabedian of the Friends of the North Fork asked whether a survey was being planned – “not just conversations” – on canyon users’ reaction to the project. He was told a survey was planned on recreational use.

The original survey, conducted in 2006 by State Parks in the Auburn State Recreation Area, “didn’t show interest in this type of development or development of any kind, as I recall,” Garabedian said.

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Sacramento Police Arrest Man Suspected Of Assault On Bike Trail Rider

A man has been arrested for pushing a rider off her bicycle Sunday morning on the American River bike trail and threatening her with rocks.

Sacramento police booked James Edward Dexter, 18, into jail on warrants out of Reno and on suspicion of attempted robbery, assault with a deadly weapon, resisting an officer and vandalism in connection with the Sunday attack.

Police said they were called to the bike trail between Highway 160 and the Capital City Freeway near Lathrop Way about 7:30 a.m. Sunday on a report of a woman being pushed off her bicycle.

After knocking the woman off her bike and physically assaulting her, Dexter is alleged to have picked up rocks and threatened the bicyclist. Luckily, the assault was interrupted by passing citizens, according to police.

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Grass Fire Chars 36 Acres Along American River Parkway

Firefighters were able to contain a grass fire along the American River Parkway — the third large grass fire since July 4 — to 36 acres.

Sacramento City Fire Department spokesperson Roberto Padilla said the blaze broke out about 1:30 p.m. Saturday behind a Costco store near Tribute and Canterbury roads.

The fire sent a large plume of smoke in the sky that was visible from Downtown Sacramento.

More than 20 engines and at least 80 firefighters from the Sacramento City Fire Department, West Sacramento Fire Department, Sacramento Metro Fire Department and Cosumnes Fire Department worked to put out the flames.

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Learn About Aquatic Invasive Species On Aug. 5

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife will host the fourth installment of its speaker series with a presentation on Aquatic Invasive Species in the American River at 7 p.m. Aug. 5 at the Nimbus Hatchery Visitor Center, 2001 Nimbus Road, in Rancho Cordova.

Preregistration is not required.

The presentation is part of a program highlighting California Invasive Species Action Week Aug. 2-10. Among other activities being offered that week are field tours to check invasive crayfish traps and opportunities to help remove invasive plants on the American River Parkway near the hatchery.

For more information on the speaker series, go to For more information on invasive species week, go to

Feds Give SMUD 50-Year License For Hydroelectric Projects On American River

The Sacramento Municipal Utility Districtgot a 50-year renewal to operate its hydroelectric projects on the upper American River.

The utility operates 11 reservoirs and eight powerhouses in the upper American, which generate 688 megawatts of electricity, representing about 15 percent of SMUD’s annual power.

Part of the new license from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission calls for SMUD to make some changes. The utility will make several recreational upgrades to reservoirs and it will increase the volume of water it releases into streams to benefit natural resources.

“It is gratifying to receive a new 50-year license,” SMUD CEO Arlen Orchard said in a news release. “It allows SMUD to continue to generate large quantities of non-carbon-emitting energy over the next 50 years from our most valuable, lowest-cost power supply.”

The license also allows SMUD to move ahead with the design and potential construction of the 400 megawatt Iowa Hillpumped-storage development, which would pump water uphill during times of light electric use, and generate power during summer peak periods.

The utility is still doing feasibility work on the $800 million Iowa Hill project, which could take three years.

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Man Rescued After Falling From Bluff In Rancho Cordova

Rescue crews hoisted a man up to safety who fell 60 feet from a bluff near the American River in Rancho Cordova last Saturday evening.

Witnesses said the man was walking along the bluff on the north side of the river near the Old Fair Oaks Bridge when he fell from a 160-foot cliff.

They said the man was heard calling for help after he fell, but, it was difficult for crews to get to the man because of the location of his fall and also the thick brush that surrounded him.

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Sacramento City Fire Considering Controlled Fires Along American River

Sacramento City Fire Department spokesman Roberto Padilla took Fox40’s Ben Deci on a tour of the American River Parkway. After an already intense fire season, he wanted to show us what is there, and what isn’t anymore.

“There’s acres upon acres and acres of this specific type of fuel load,” he said, gesturing to a bramble pile several feet high.

The tour took them through one sooty scorch-mark after another. They are monuments to a wildfire season that has been twice as tough here as it was last summer.

And now Padilla is putting forward an unheard of idea for the Parkway: the Fire Department starting some fires of its own.

 “It wouldn’t even be acres at a time you’re talking about. Just setting a 5′ x 30′ strip and burning that guy off and then doing another,” Padilla said.

He’s talking about controlled burns to get rid of some of the critically dry fuel that wildfire loves.

“An out-of-control controlled burn is another compelling argument,” said Stephen Green, President of the Save the American River Association. “It would happen. Absolutely.”

Green lives along the parkway. He’s convinced that, sooner or later, houses like his would be threatened by a controlled burn policy.

And he says there are other policies fueling this problem.

“This community has not done what it can do for those people camped on the Parkway. And they’re camped the entire length of the parkway,” he said.

In December 2011, Police were sent to break down tent cities in Center City Sacramento, and clear-out the the homeless people who lived in them. It is now clear where many went- deeper into the underbrush along the American River.

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City Says Some Fences Along Sacramento River Parkway Must Come Down

Members of the Sacramento City Council say some of the city’s neighbors are stealing property and they want it back.

Property along the Sacramento River Parkway, owned by the city of Sacramento, provides access to the Sacramento River, or at least it should.

Private property owners complained to the city that the area was also a haven for public drunkenness, vandalism and illegal parking.

The property owners said they got informal permission to build the fences. They even provided the fire department with keys to locks on the fence, but the city says they never approved the fences and they have to come down.

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American River Parkway Fires Are Bigger And More Frequent

The American River Parkway is the crown jewel of Sacramento, a 23-mile stretch of forests, beaches, bike paths and hiking trails used by countless visitors each year.

It is also bone dry, and causing unprecedented headaches for area firefighters this year.

“We’ve had more multi-alarm fires in the last six months than we did in the last two years combined,” Sacramento Fire Department spokesman and firefighter Roberto Padilla said Friday.

Parkway advocates say firefighters have responded to 24 fires – 14 in the city jurisdiction alone – in the first half of the year, including blazes that have erupted from the unusually dry conditions caused by California’s historic drought.

“We’ve noticed a spike in grass fires … and the reason people are noticing is because in the past it would be a 2- or 3-acre fire and then we would get a hold of it,” Padilla said. “Now, you’re talking about 160 acres, like the Cal Expo fire (on July 4).

“The fire behavior is extremely explosive, and the concern for us is these are wildland-type fires in urban settings.”

There is nothing new about grass fires along the parkway. They happen every year – and most are started by humans, either accidentally or as arson. But this year, some area firefighters are particularly concerned about the potential for fires to burn larger and more quickly than in previous years.

So far this year, more than 200 parkway acres have burned, about the same amount that burned over the previous 18 months. With the peak of fire season coming in late August, the situation has left fire officials and parkway advocates debating what methods should be used to reduce the threat of fires, and whether a comprehensive plan should be drawn up to clear out underbrush before it ignites.

The immediate response by firefighters has been to knock down a blaze as rapidly as possible, because of the extreme conditions. Padilla said the Sacramento Fire Department is deploying four firefighters per engine rather than the typical three to make more force available to stop blazes, and the department is deploying additional resources much more quickly than in the past.

In the case of the Cal Expo fire, which burned up to the levee behind the state fairgrounds, the first firefighters dispatched called for additional help before they even arrived because of the size of the smoke column, Padilla said.

“We struck a second alarm before anyone even got there,” he said.

The causes of the fires are the same as in past years – almost invariably they’re caused by humans. The county estimates that the parkway is visited 5 million times a year by parkway users; other estimates put the figure as high as 8 million. With that many visitors, the potential for fire is high, and almost anything can spark a blaze – a campfire set by homeless people, a barbecue set up on an island by weekend visitors, a cigarette butt carelessly discarded.

“There’s just a lot of activity on the parkway,” Padilla said.

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